Override the Governor’s veto of Adult Support Services Senate #183

Vote Description

This vote was to override the governor’s veto of the reduction of line item 5046-0000, Adult Support Services, of the FY18 budget by $850,000. This program would still have $386,230,579 in funding.

Mass Fiscal Explanation

Mass Fiscal would have voted against overriding the governor’s veto in order to promote fiscal responsibility.

Mass Fiscal's Stance

Fiscal Responsibility Vote

Good Government Vote

Vote result on 10/19/2017




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Michael BarrettThird Middlesex 1%
Joe BoncoreFirst Suffolk and Middlesex 1%
Michael Brady2nd Plymouth & Norfolk 2%
William N. BrownsbergerSuffolk & Middlesex 1%
Harriette L. ChandlerFirst Worcester 1%
Sonia Chang-DiazSecond Suffolk 44%
Cynthia Stone CreemNorfolk & Middlesex 2%
Julian CyrCape and Islands 1%
Viriato Manuel deMacedoPlymouth and Barnstable 65%
Sal N. DiDomenicoMiddlesex and Suffolk 1%
Eileen DonoghueFirst Middlesex 2%
James B. EldridgeMiddlesex and Worcester 3%
Ryan C. FattmanWorcester and Hampden 74%
Linda Dorcena ForryFirst Suffolk 2%
Cindy FriedmanFourth Middlesex 0%
Anne M. GobiWorcester, Hampden, Hampshire, and Middlesex 4%
Adam G. HindsBerkshire, Hampshire, Franklin and Hampden 2%
Donald F. HumasonSecond Hampden and Hampshire 60%
Kathleen O'Connor IvesFirst Essex 4%
Patricia D. JehlenSecond Middlesex 2%
John F. KeenanNorfolk and Plymouth 1%
Barbara L'ItalienSecond Essex and Middlesex 2%
Eric P. LesserFirst Hampden and Hampshire 1%
Jason M. LewisFifth Middlesex 1%
Joan B. LovelySecond Essex 2%
Thomas M. McGeeThird Essex 3%
Mark C. MontignySecond Bristol and Plymouth 4%
Michael O. MooreSecond Worcester 3%
Patrick O'Connor1st Plymouth & Norfolk 40%
Marc R. PachecoFirst Plymouth and Bristol 2%
Michael J. RodriguesFirst Bristol and Plymouth 2%
Stanley C. RosenbergHampshire, Franklin and Worcester 0%
Richard J. RossNorfolk, Bristol and Middlesex 47%
Michael F. RushNorfolk and Suffolk 2%
Karen SpilkaMiddlesex & Norfolk 1%
Bruce E. TarrFirst Essex and Middlesex 57%
Walter F. TimiltyNorfolk, Bristol and Plymouth 4%
James T. WelchHampden 2%