Prioritize Access to Emergency Shelter Program Senate #120

Vote Description

This was a vote on amendment #49 to S.2708, an FY24 Supplemental Spending bill. This amendment would prioritize eligibility for the emergency shelter program based on duration of residency in the state, as well as veteran status, pregnancy, disability or medical conditions, and education and child care concerns. Link to bill:

Mass Fiscal Explanation

MassFiscal supports a yes vote, in support of fiscally responsible spending of taxpayer dollars. Recently, our emergency shelter program has ballooned as a steady stream of migrants have flooded our state due to our generous benefits. This amendment would take a step to mitigate the unsustainable costs it takes to fund this benefit.

Mass Fiscal's Stance

Fiscal Responsibility Vote

Good Government Vote

Vote result on 03/21/2024




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Michael BarrettThird Middlesex 0%
Michael Brady2nd Plymouth & Norfolk 0%
William N. BrownsbergerSuffolk & Middlesex 0%
Nick Collins1st Suffolk 17%
Jo ComefordHampshire, Franklin & Worcester 0%
Cynthia Stone CreemNorfolk & Middlesex 0%
Brendan P. Crighton3rd Essex 0%
John CroninWorcester and Middlesex 6%
Julian CyrCape and Islands 0%
Sal N. DiDomenicoMiddlesex and Suffolk 0%
Peter DurantWorcester and Hampshire 81%
Lydia Edwards3rd Suffolk 0%
James B. EldridgeMiddlesex and Worcester 6%
Ryan C. FattmanWorcester and Hampden 100%
Paul R FeeneyBristol and Norfolk 0%
Barry R. FinegoldSecond Essex and Middlesex 17%
Cindy FriedmanFourth Middlesex 0%
Adam GomezHampden 0%
Patricia D. JehlenSecond Middlesex 0%
John F. KeenanNorfolk and Plymouth 28%
Robyn Kennedy1st Worcester 0%
Edward Kennedy1st Middlesex 0%
Jason M. LewisFifth Middlesex 0%
Joan B. LovelySecond Essex 0%
Paul W. MarkBerkshire, Hampden, Franklin and Hampshire 0%
Liz Miranda2nd Suffolk 0%
Mark C. MontignySecond Bristol and Plymouth 6%
Michael O. MooreSecond Worcester 11%
Susan MoranPlymouth and Barnstable 0%
Patrick O'Connor1st Plymouth & Norfolk 89%
Jake OliveiraHampden, Hampshire & Worcester 0%
Marc R. PachecoFirst Plymouth and Bristol 6%
Pavel Payano1st Essex 0%
Becca RauschNorfolk, Worcester & Middlesex 17%
Michael J. RodriguesFirst Bristol and Plymouth 0%
Michael F. RushNorfolk and Suffolk 0%
Karen SpilkaMiddlesex & Norfolk 0%
Bruce E. TarrFirst Essex and Middlesex 89%
Walter F. TimiltyNorfolk, Bristol and Plymouth 39%
John VelisHampden & Hampshire 11%