John J. Binienda

Seventeenth Worcester


MF Score


Fiscal Responsibility Score


Good Government Score



2013-2014: 188th Legislature

02/06/2014H3894.290 Resolution Expelling Carlos Henriquez Passed
02/06/2014H3894.289 Amendment To Censure Carlos Henriquez Instead of Expelling Him Failed
11/06/2013S1806.251 Tax Cut for Small Businesses That Hire Benefit Recipients Passed
11/06/2013S1806.248 Contacting Recipients About Out-of-Region Benefit Use Failed
11/06/2013S1806.247 Directly Contacting Employers to Verify Job Search Activities Failed
11/06/2013S1806.245 Promoting Financial Literacy Failed
10/30/2013S1885.241 Preference for Veterans in Public Housing Passed
10/30/2013H3728.238 Increasing Time To File Amendments To Welfare Reform Package Failed
10/16/2013H3700.232 Auditing the Department of Transitional Assistance Failed
10/16/2013H3700.234 Require Six Public Hearings Before Raising Taxes Failed
10/16/2013H3700.233 Hold Public Meetings Across State Before Raising Taxes Failed
09/25/2013H3662.227 Final Passage of an Act repealing the computer and software services taxes (House) Passed
07/24/2013H3556.160 Vote to Audit the DTA Failed
07/24/2013H3535.159 Vote to Raise Taxes $500 Million Passed
06/26/2013H3535.149 Conference Committee Transportation Finance Bill Raising Taxes by $500 Million Passed
06/19/2013H3452.147 Implementing the Affordable Care Act in Massachusetts Passed
06/05/2013H3492.122 Provide a Valid Social Security Number in Order to be Eligible for Public Housing Failed
06/05/2013H3492.124 Not Allowing Self-Declaration as Proof of Residency Failed
06/05/2013H3492.123 Restrictions on Who Receives Public Benefits Failed
04/24/2013H3401.113 House FY14 Budget Passed
04/23/2013H3400.101 A Vote to Stifle Further EBT Reform Passed
04/23/2013H3400.100 Enforce All Penalties and Fines for EBT Violations of Recipients and Retailers Failed
04/23/2013H3400.99 Tighten Verification Requirements for Eligibility of State Housing Subsidies Failed
04/23/2013H3400.96 Against Adding EBT Reforms to the Budget Passed
04/22/2013H3400.82 Foster and Adopted Children Reimbursement Failed
04/22/2013H3400.75 Increase Tax Credits for Septic System Updates Failed
04/22/2013H3400.71 Roll Back the Income and Sales Taxes to 5% Over 5 Years Failed
04/08/2013H3415.69 $500 Million in New and Higher Taxes Passed
04/08/2013H3382.53 Removing the "Tech Tax" From the Transportation Finance Bill Failed
04/03/2013H3382.45 Knowing How $500 Million in New and Higher Taxes will Affect the MA Economy Failed
02/06/2013H55.35 Real Oversight of the Department of Transitional Assistance Failed
02/06/2013H55.28 Residency Requirements for Public Benefits Failed
01/23/2013H2013.25 Requiring 2/3 of the Legislature’s Votes to Raise Taxes Failed
01/23/2013H2013.19 Equal Party Representation on Ethics Committee Failed
01/23/2013H2013.14 Getting Rid of Consolidated Budget Amendments Failed
01/23/2013H2013.9 Requiring 24 Hours to Review Consolidated Budget Amendments Failed
01/23/2013H2015.3 Requiring Committee Votes to be Published Online Failed
01/23/2013H2015.1 24 Hour Review Time for Bills Failed
01/23/2013H2015.2 Requiring 2/3 of the Legislature’s Votes to Spend Rainy Day Funds Failed